Sponsors @ Exhibitors
Gold Sponsors
Die REQUISIS GmbH ist ein führender Dienstleister im Bereich des toolgestützten Anforderungsmanagements. Die Mitarbeiter beraten und betreuen namhafte Kunden im Produktentstehungsprozess, insbesondere bei der Spezifikation und Abstimmung von Anforderungen sowie bei der Zusammenarbeit zwischen Hersteller und Zulieferer.
Mit bewährten Best-Practice-Ansätzen und einem umfassenden Tool-Know-How bietet REQUISIS pragmatische Lösungen, um das Anforderungsmanagement effektiver, nachhaltiger und vor allem auch komfortabler zu gestalten. Die einzigartige Expertise erstreckt sich von IBM Rational DOORS über DOORS Next Generation zu Siemens Polarion.
Die REQUISIS GmbH wurde 2007 gegründet hat ihren Sitz in Berlin. Sie besitzt eine weitere Niederlassung in Stuttgart und betreut bundesweit mittelständige Unternehmen und Großkonzerne beim Einsatz von Requirements-Management-Werkzeugen. Darüber hinaus entwickelt das Team von REQUISIS individuelle Tool-Erweiterungen und Standard-Produkte für den reibungslosen Anforderungsprozess, engagiert sich bei der Standardisierung von Schnittstellen (z.B. OSCL oder ReqIF) und führt Trainings und Coachings zu verschiedenen Themen durch.SOPHIST GmbH
As a consulting and training company with the focus on method development and imparting of requirements and systems engineering, we SOPHISTs (SOPHIST GmbH www.sophist.de) have been supporting our clients methodically and operationally in the classic and agile project environment for more than 20 years. Since its foundation in 1996 by Chris Rupp, our consultants have been putting their know-how at the disposal of companies that aim to design their system and software development effectively and efficiently at all scopes of national and international projects.
Furthermore, we are speakers at national and international conferences, book authors of the most successful titles on requirements engineering and UML, as well as a motley bunch of highly motivated, dynamic people whose success is based on competence and enjoyment of their topics.
In order to standardize the qualifications of the people engaged in requirements engineering, Chris Rupp, the managing partner of SOPHIST GmbH, has cofounded the International Requirements Engineering Board e. V. (IREB e.V. www.ireb.org).
Agile Requirements Engineering Institut
Das Agile Requirements Engineering Institut bietet Online-Zertifizierungsprogramme für Requirements Engineering Experten im agilen Umfeld. Das Agile Requirements Engineering Programm richtet sich an Experten aus den Bereichen Requirements Engineering, Business Analyse und Produktmanagement, die mit agilen Teams und in agilen Organisationen an der Produktentwicklung beteiligt sind.
Ziel des Agile Requirements Institutes und seiner Zertifizierungsprogramme ist es, den Transfer zwischen Requirements Engineering und der Umsetzung agiler Werte und Prinzipien mittels agiler Frameworks herzustellen und in der Praxis erfolgreich einzusetzen.
Weitere Informationen unter http://agile-requirements-institute.org/
Vom Digital Business zum Cognitive Business – um Unternehmen aller Größen bei der digitalen Transformation ihrer Geschäftsmodelle zu unterstützen und die Chancen der Digitalisierung für sie nutzbar zu machen, konzentriert sich IBM auf die Wachstumsinitiativen Business Analytics, Cloud Computing, Mobile Enterprise, Social Business und Security. Diese strategischen Felder bilden für IBM sowohl die Basis ihres stetig erweiterten Lösungsportfolios als auch die Grundlage ihrer fortschreitenden Transformation hin zu einem Cognitive-Solutions- und Cloud-Plattform-Anbieter.
Innovation bildet dabei den Kern der IBM Strategie. Mit der im Januar 2014 erfolgten Neugründung der IBM Watson Group unterstreicht IBM die Bedeutung des „Cognitive Computing“ für das Unternehmen – einer neuen Ära von IT-Systemen, die lernen, argumentieren und in natürlicher Sprache mit den Menschen interagieren können. Das kognitive System von IBM – IBM Watson – wurde so konzipiert, dass es auf Basis natürlicher Sprache die Analyse, Bewertung und Interpretation enormer unstrukturierter Datenmengen binnen Sekundenbruchteilen bewältigen kann. Es ist in der Lage, selbstständig Informationen aus Daten zu gewinnen und Schlussfolgerungen zu ziehen. Damit nähert sich das System den kognitiven Fähigkeiten des Menschen an und birgt enormes Potential für zukünftige Anwendungen in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft.
An der Vision, vernetzte Geräte, Systeme und Sensoren mittels kognitiver Fähigkeiten intelligent zu machen, wird IBM gemeinsam mit Kunden und Partnern im neuen IBM Watson Innovation Center in München arbeiten. Hier soll an einer neuen Generation vernetzter Lösungen an der Schnittstelle von Cognitive Computing und Internet of Things (IoT) gearbeitet werden. Das im Dezember 2015 gegründete erste europäische Center wird gleichzeitig als weltweite Zentrale des Bereichs Watson / Internet of Things dienen.
Der Hauptsitz des Unternehmens ist in Armonk, New York. Mit Niederlassungen in mehr als 170 Ländern ist IBM der Technologie- und Transformationspartner, um gemeinsam mit Unternehmen, öffentlichen Auftraggebern und Non-Profit-Organisationen IT-Lösungen für ihre Herausforderungen zu entwickeln. Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter von IBM und Kunden rund um die Welt arbeiten eng zusammen, um die Expertise in den Bereichen Forschung und Entwicklung, Technologie sowie Beratung so einzusetzen, dass Unternehmen, öffentliche Auftraggeber wie auch Städte und ganze Volkswirtschaften dynamischer und effizienter agieren können. Durch den auf die Kunden und deren Wertschöpfung zugeschnittenen Vertrieb bündelt IBM ihre Industrie- und Lösungsexpertise, wobei die Geschäftsbereiche regional und nach Branchen strukturiert sind. So profitieren Kunden von spezialisierten Teams mit umfassendem Branchenwissen und einer durchgängigen Betreuung vor Ort.
Seit der Gründung im Jahr 1911 hat sich IBM immer wieder neu definiert und ist durch weit über Technologien hinausgehende Innovationen zu einer der stärksten Marken der Welt aufgestiegen. Der Jahresumsatz lag 2015 bei 81,7 Milliarden US-Dollar. Jährlich investiert das Unternehmen mehr als sechs Milliarden US-Dollar in Forschung und Entwicklung. Die IBM Deutschland Research & Development GmbH in Böblingen ist eines der größten Technologiezentren der IBM weltweit. IBM hat 2015 insgesamt 7.355 US-Patente erteilt bekommen – im Schnitt erhielten die IBM Erfinder mehr als 20 Patente pro Tag. Das Unternehmen belegt damit zum 23. Mal in Folge den Spitzenplatz in der Rangliste des US-Patentamts. Mehr als 2.000 dieser Patente stammen dabei aus den beiden strategischen Wachstumsfeldern des Unternehmens, Cognitive und Cloud Computing. Rund 300 Erfindungen kommen aus dem deutschen IBM Entwicklungszentrum in Böblingen.
From concept to launch, the Jama Product Delivery Platform helps companies bring complex products to market. Innovative companies worldwide use Jama to increase the return of investment of R&D, out-innovate their competition and deliver business value. Jama is one of the fastest-growing enterprise software companies in the United States. Both Inc. and Forbes have repeatedly recognized it as a model of responsible growth and innovation.
For more information please visit http://www.jamasoftware.com
MID – The Modeling Company
MID is your one-stop partner for modeling business processes, software and databases. Top companies and government agencies rely on our products, Innovator and smartfacts, as well as our expertise and trainings.
Our comprehensive consulting solutions and the MID Academy enable you to establish an effective IT governance and realize IT projects efficiently - from your business units’ processes and requirements to the supporting IT systems.
For further information please visit our website www.mid.de/en.
* IBM and the IBM logo are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp., registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.
Media Sponsors
Der Verlag für kreative Köpfe.
Der dpunkt.verlag ist ein deutscher Fachverlag für Informationstechnologie und Fotografie mit Sitz in Heidelberg. Im dpunkt.verlag erscheinen Bücher für Anwender, Profis in der Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie Studenten. In den Bereichen IT & Business, Softwareentwicklung & Programmierung, Internet, Netzwerke, Datenbanken & Informationssysteme, Design & Publishing sowie Fotografie erscheinen rund 120 neue Titel pro Jahr.eStrategy
The eStrategy magazine has been published since the end of 2009, a free e-magazine, which is published quarterly and offers interesting topics around e-commerce, web development, online
marketing, and mobile.
The eStrategy Magazine is meanwhile an obligatory reading for many shop operators, agencies, management consultancies, (online)-marketers and e-commerce managers. Each issue includes a main topic for which extensive research is carried out.Suppliance AG
Suppliance AG is an organization which enables specialized IT companies to generate new business in a transparent and fair manner and help them find large customers while maintaining the complete control of their own business.
Suppliance is a platform which exists and works solely for its partners. We connect and support. Our goal is the achievement of our partners’ goals. We do not employ any IT experts to provide consulting services - this work is only and exclusively done by the employees of our partner companies. Suppliance’s portfolio is the portfolio of its partners.
Partners– trust created through transparency
We live and work by the principles of trust and transparent information flow in order to create a long lasting foundation for all involved.
Partner Management
Suppliance stands for communication between partners. We pool several IT companies into a specialized and independent platform. In this way, our partners are able to team up and strengthen their presence by joining their assets and skills in order to support their customers overarching and specializing at the same time.
Partner Empowerment
The situation is often the same. IT experts from small and medium-sized enterprises play an essential and necessary role in a customer project. However, they are restricted by the policies of purchase departments and listing processes. This is where we come in.
Suppliance lets you grow. We contribute what you need to have your experts working directly for the customer. We enable our partners.
Das Expertennetzwerk
Der ASQF ist das Expertennetzwerk für Qualität. Bereits seit 20 Jahren gestalten wir maßgeblich die Entwicklung maßgeblich die Entwicklung und Sicherung von Software bzw. System-Qualität und fördern eine international einheitliche Aus- und Weiterbildung von (IT-)Fachkräften.
Als Repräsentant und Stimme in der Software-Branche engagieren wir uns für ein kompetenzstarkes, gründer- und innovationsfreundliches Umfeld. Wir stehen im Dialog mit Entscheidungsträgern und erarbeiten Vorschläge, die den neuen Anforderungen der Digitalisierung Rechnung tragen. Als Netzwerk verbinden wir leistungsstarke Start-Ups, Mittelständler, Global Player, Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen.
Zudem ist der ASQF Gesellschafter des International Software Quality Institute (iSQI), das weltweit das Know-How von (IT-)Fachkräften zertifiziert. Mit über 25.000 Zertifizierungen pro Jahr ist der iSQI der Ansprechpartner für eine erfolgreiche berufliche Entwicklung.
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)) is a non-profit organization with about 20,000 members living across the world.
Most of them develop the discipline of informatics by teaching, researching or working in the field of informatics, while others are involved in related business and political areas. The main purposes of this network of professionals are motivate for informatics, develop the scientific discipline and promote the impact informatics has economy, business and society.And to offer career support by the means of networking.
Members of GI are either individuals, companies or non-governmental organizations. We are proud to be able to claim that our members’ knowledge covers almost everything anyone could wish to know about informatics. Our challenge is to make the best of this broad knowledge base for GI, its members and society as a whole. In times of ever-growing importance and influence of an integrated Europe, GI is increasingly involved in European projects and organizations.
Education and Training
Starting about 40 years ago – at the time when the first informatics departments were being set up in Germany – our first aim was to build up, implement, grow and strengthen the academic discipline.
Times have changed, but our portfolio is still based on this main point. For instance, GI has contributed to the curricula for new bachelor and masters degrees in Germany, as to the official recognition of new courses.
Other important GI activities include raising public awareness of informatics including its benefits and risks.
In addition, our portfolio includes programmes to create early motivation and interest for informatics. Supported by products to develop skills and aided by initiatives for training frameworks. Beside other project-related activities, we do this e.g. by supporting Germany’s informatics competition BWINF, the European Computer Driving Licence ECDL and the Advanced IT Training System AITTS.
GI supports networking between researchers in industry, research institutes and universities by providing more than 100 special interest groups and about 40 regional branches. They can all rely on the same network of knowledge, best practices, skills and experience. Scientific and technical staffs from all types of colleges and research institutions play an active role in GI. All of them are represented in the management committee and the advisory councils.
About 10 % of GI’s members are students. For them, GI offers a network of contacts, information and coaching across many universities. There is an official advisory council looking after their interests.
Our close collaboration is assisted by services. For example, members are consistently well informed by our periodical Informatik Spektrum or by other print and online publications, edited by our interest groups.
Our own publication series LNI (Lecture Notes in Informatics) and access to Digital Libraries like those of the IEEE Computer Society or the new German io-port.net are other parts of our portfolio.
The number of freelance and self-employed IT experts in Germany is growing. Within GI those run an own special interest group. They are represented in the management committee through their own advisory council.
Our cooperation with the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry reaches from blue chip companies developing new architectures and solutions to a broad range of small and medium-sized companies who are adding value to their products by producing or using advanced IT solutions.
Gesellschaft für Systems Engineering e.V.
Die gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Systems Engineering e.V. (GfSE) wurde 1997 mit dem Ziel gegründet, das Systems Engineering Gedankengut im deutschsprachigen Raum zu fördern und weiterzuentwickeln. Im Rahmen von Seminaren, Tagungen und anderen Angeboten stellt sie ein Forum für den Wissens- und Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Industrie, Forschung und Lehre dar.
The International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) has joined forces with the vision to create an international and professional basis for RE, in order to give this discipline the importance and the orientation that corresponds to its added value for the industry.
IREB is the developer and the holder of the CPRE (Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering) certification scheme. The board was created in 2006 by leading RE representatives, from science, research, industry and consulting, and today it is a worldwide renowned body of experts for the individual certification of professionals in requirements engineering. Though the CPRE certification scheme originated in Europe, it is also supported by committed members in many countries ranging from North and South America to Europe and Asia.
In their effort to establish the CPRE certification scheme internationally, IREB is highly successful. Today, more than 29,000 professionals have obtained the CPRE Foundation Level certificate in 68 countries.
For more information about IREB, their activities and the certification model, see www.ireb.org.
Premium Exhibitors
The success of IT projects is decisive for many firms. That’s why microTOOL develops tools and offers services. Tool for application lifecycle management, project management and requirements engineering. And services like consultation, training and support for users at their locations.
With objectiF RPM, objectiF RM and in-STEP BLUE, microTOOL develops three very current tools. objectiF RPM supports application lifecycle management including project planning with requirements and useful graphic presentation. objectiF RM helps requirements engineers and business analysts with an environment to collect and arrange requirements with modern diagrams, for example for system contexts, system architecture, stakeholders, goals, requirements and tests. And in-STEP BLUE offers organizations and projects support for processes and fulfilling compliance requirements. This solution is still unique today, with its integration of management of projects, multi-projects, requirements, changes, quality, tests, risks and documents.
Get more information at www.microtool.de/en/Siemens
Siemens PLM Software, eine Business Unit der Siemens Digital Factory Division, ist ein führender, weltweit tätiger Anbieter von Software, Systemen und Dienstleistungen für das Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) und das Fertigungsmanagement (MOM) mit über 15 Millionen lizenzierten Anwendern und mehr als 140.000 Kunden in aller Welt. Siemens PLM Software mit Sitz in Plano, Texas, entwickelt in enger Zusammenarbeit mit seinen Kunden branchenspezifische Softwarelösungen, die Unternehmen in allen Bereichen durch Umsetzung bedeutender Innovationen einen nachhaltigen Wettbewerbsvorteil verschaffen. Weitere Informationen über die Produkte und Leistungen von Siemens PLM Software unter www.siemens.com/polarion
agosense ist der führende Anbieter für Tool Integration in den Bereichen Application Lifecycle Management, IT Service Management und Product Lifecycle Management.
Darüber hinaus werden agosense Produkte eingesetzt, um den Datenaustausch über Unternehmengrenzen hinweg zu vereinfachen und zu automatisieren. Kunden in regulierten Branchen hilft agosense bei der Nachvollziehbarkeit (Traceability) von Entwicklungsprozessen zur Einhaltung und Erreichung von Normen und Reifegradmodellen.
Im Bereich Anforderungsmanagement und Requirements Engineering bietet agosense eine moderne, skalierbare und konfigurierbare Lösung, welche intuitive Bedienbarkeit mit der Integration in komplexe System- und Prozesslandschaften vereint.
Das Lösungsportfolio umfasst die Produkte agosense.symphony (Tool Integration / externer Datenaustausch) sowie agosense.fidelia (Requirements Management / Cross Domain Traceability).Certible
Certible is an independent certification body for worldwide personal certification in high-demand IT-sectors such as requirements-, software-, and usability engineering and testing. Certible is licensed and authorised to hold exams and issue certificates for: IREB Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering (CPRE), ISTQB Certified Tester, iSAQB Certified Professional for Software Architecture (CPSA) und UXQB Certified Professional for User Experience (CPUX). Additionally, Certible operates as dedicated test provider, e.g. for CXPA Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP).
Certible provides its specialized certification service worldwide via Prometric Premium test centers, as well as on-site on tablets directly at locations of training providers, business clients, and public exams. In any case a maximum of data protection and security is ensured by the fully automated IT infrastructure. This guarantees every client the highest degrees of reliability, discretion, and objectivity according to the ISO 17024 standard. Furthermore the quality management of Certible is ISO 9001:2015 certified to ensure customer satisfaction through continuous process improvement. Details about exam dates and registration options can be found online at: certible and prometricEase Solutions
At ease solutions, we believe passionately that having the right IT support is pivotal for the success of any business. By pairing our extensive expertise with powerful IT tools, our goal is to help streamline business processes, with focus on improving productivity and reducing costs for our clients. From consultation to execution, we provide end-to-end solutions that are customized to your business needs.
As a leading IT solutions provider, we help enterprises to simplify and streamline processes, which improves productivity and cost-efficiency. Customers benefit form the value of over 25 years’ experience, combined with our strong alliances with key technology partners such as Atlassian, EmergingSoft and Microsoft, to provide turnkey solutions customized to your needs. To our staff and stakeholders, we provide value through investing in our people, and equipping them with the right knowledge, skills and environment to excel in their work and beyond.
Our purpose is to help businesses increase efficiency and productivity through the simplification of complex IT processes. At ease solutions we enable our customers by providing full-managed, turnkey IT solutions and tools that leverage the full sphere of our expertise coupled with the latest technology.:em engineering methods AG
:em engineering methods AG,:em AG for short, develops and introduces innovative methods for virtual product development. As an independent integrator of IT systems, :em AG offers a comprehensive range of services for OEM, suppliers and engineering service providers. Topics such as CAD methods, Knowledge Based Engineering, Model Based Systems Engineering, JT Data Exchange, Supplier Integration, Cooperation Management, Requirements Management, Knowledge Protection, Profitability Analysis, and CAE data management are part of the :em AG´s portfolio.
:em AG uses its excellent competences in processes, methods and technologies for the conception, development and realization of integrated, efficient, and optimized solutions for the whole product life cycle based on IT tools such as CATIA V5/V6, Siemens NX, ENOVIA V6, Teamcenter, ModelCenter, Matlab/Simulink, Dymola, SimulationX, Enterprise Architect, or Cameo Systems Modeler. With the business units Business Processes, Model Based Engineering, Software and PDM|PLM :em AG uses a holistic approach to introduce methods and IT systems within product engineering.
The :em AG´s employees possess extensive, cross-industry experience in planning and executing projects in Mechanical & Plant Engineering, Automotive OEM and Supplier, Aerospace, as well as Consumer Goods, thereby guaranteeing successful project results.Intland Software
Intland Software is the developer and vendor of codeBeamer ALM, a fully integrated and highly scalable end-to-end Application Lifecycle Management software platform. Due to its lifecycle-wide functionality and out of the box integrations with software tools (including IBM® Rational® DOORS®, MS Office, ReqIF, Enterprise Architect, MATLAB Simulink, JIRA & more), codeBeamer ALM aptly supports the efficient management of proprietary development scenarios. Its features cover requirements management, software development, QA & Testing, DevOps, and more. Preconfigured templates support compliance with safety-critical regulations. To learn more, follow @intland on Twitter, Linkedin, or visit https://intland.com/.
The International Software Quality Institute (iSQI GmbH), headquartered in Potsdam (DE) with branch offices in Amstelveen (NL), London (UK) and Boston (USA) is a leading provider of certification examinations all over the world. For more than 10 years, iSQI plays a large role in certifying the know-how of IT professionals in over 100 countries on 6 continents in 10 languages. With over 30,000 certifications per year, iSQI paves the way for successful career development.
Constantly changing job requirements generate a demand for lifelong learning. To stay competitive in today´s job market, professionals need to possess comprehensive and comparable skills and knowledge. The iSQI ‘Certified’ Program includes certification examinations that set the global standards in Software Testing, Requirements Engineering, Agile, Business Analysis, Mobile App Testing as well as Usability and User Experience etc.
To find out more about iSQI visit: www.isqi.orgMicro Focus
Micro Focus and HPE Software have joined to become one of the largest pure-play software companies in the world. Bringing together two leaders in the software industry, Micro Focus is uniquely positioned to help customers maximize existing software investments and embrace innovation in a world of hybrid IT—from mainframe to mobile to cloud.
We are a pure-play software company focused from the ground up on building, selling, and supporting software. This focus allows us to deliver on our mission to put customers at the center of innovation and deliver high-quality, enterprise-grade scalable software that our teams can be proud of. We help customers bridge the old and the new by maximizing the ROI on existing software investments and enabling innovation in the new hybrid model for enterprise IT.
oose Innovative Informatik eG
For almost 20 years now oose Innovative Informatik eG has been offering excellent seminars, workshops and consulting in software and systems engineering. Our core desire is to not only provide theoretical knowledge and practical advice, but to assist our customers in transforming knowledge into mastery.
Whether on the client's premises or in our very own oose.campus in Hamburg's Schanzenviertel district, our strength lies in treading unconventional paths. We actively and passionately help to develop and shape topics, that bridge gaps in between disciplines and share our knowledge.
What speaks in our favour? Our 120 seminars per year, through which we reach over 14,000 participants and have been able to impress 4,444 clients. Are we leaving it at that? No chance! We want more knowledge, more ability and more inspiration…osseno
The aim of OSSENO Software GmbH is to simplify complex tasks during the early phases of development projects through smart software solutions and to increase their effectiveness and efficiency. With its “ReqSuite®” solution, the company is therefore offering experts as well as project stakeholders whose daily business does not include such tasks the opportunity to achieve better results in requirements engineering thanks to smart and comfortable work support. As a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering IESE, one of the most renowned institutes worldwide for software development methods, OSSENO Software GmbH combines the necessary industry and consulting experience with method expertise resulting from many years of state-of-the-art research. By coding this expertise into a software solution, OSSENO Software GmbH opens up completely new possibilities for companies to minimize burdens and risks in Requirements Engineering and thus to ultimately increase the profitability of development projects for the long term.
PTC has the most robust Internet of Things technology in the world. In 1986 we revolutionized digital 3D design, and in 1998 were first to market with Internet-based PLM. Now our leading IoT and AR platform and field-proven solutions bring together the physical and digital worlds to reinvent the way you create, operate, and service products. With PTC, global manufacturers and an ecosystem of partners and developers can capitalize on the promise of the IoT today and drive the future of innovation.
More Information about PTC on www.ptc.compure-systems GmbH
Founded in 2001, pure-systems is a leading provider of tools and solutions for Variant Management and Product Line Engineering (PLE) for Complex Systems and Software. pure::variants enables integrated and automated PLE and Systematic Reuse in existing tools like DOORS, Rhapsody and Simulink, while managing complexity of features, dependencies, systems and variants. pure::variants provides deep analytic insights into variants, and can deal with both structural and parametric variability across the V -Model, supporting diverse engineering assets like requirements and test cases, architecture & model-based-development, source code and documentation. As a platform solution, pure::variants provides enterprise scalability and public open APIs, while supporting standards like OSLC, VEL and AUTOSAR. Today , the solution is deployed with customers in the segments of Automotive, Avionics & Aerospace, Defense & Security , Industry Automation & Production, Rail & Transportation and Semiconductor.
Scrum Events / HLSC GmbH
Unter dem Label „Scrum-Events“ bietet High Level Scrum Consulting (HLSC GmbH) Dienstleistungen wie Beratung, Zertifizierungstrainings, Audits, Coachings und Konferenzen mit dem Schwerpunkt agile Software- und Produktentwicklung insbesondere mit Scrum an.
Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt bildet die Unterstützung der Agilen Transformation von Organisationen. Sprich die Integration der Agilität im Umfeld von Unternehmen.
Die Coaches und Berater von Scrum-Events sind alle von Ken Schwaber oder/und Jeff Sutherland, den beiden Erfinder von Scrum, ausgebildet worden. Somit garantieren wir absolut fundiertes Scrum Know How für unsere Kunden.
Unsere Highlights im Bereich Training sind die Scrum Workshops und Trainings mit Jeff Sutherland und Ken Schwaber. Nutzen Sie diese einmalige Gelegenheit einen der „geistigen Väter" von Scrum in einem Scrum Zertifizierungsseminar zur treffen.
Scrum-Events organisiert auch die größte Konferenz zum Thema Scrum im deutschsprachigen Raum, den Scrum-Day www.scrum-day.deQualicen GmbH
Qualicen helps you to improve your requirements and system tests. Together with you, we discover and analyze your pain points. Afterwards, we develop improvement concepts for people, processes and tools. In particular, we apply modern approaches to automatically discover quality violations. Finally, we make sure that you have your requirements and system tests under control, also on a day-to-day basis.
XTRONIC is a qualified and innovative development partner and systems supplier for the automobile industry. XTRONIC is the one source for developing customer oriented solutions, in the business units telematic/multimedia systems, electro mobility, drive-by-wire systems and testing tools. We support our customers with our services and patents pending throughout the entire development process, leading to sustainable efficiency and success. Our customers include national and international suppliers and automobile manufacturers.
Within the field of requirements engineering XTRONIC implements customized solutions for manufacturers and suppliers based on long-standing expertise. Consulting as well as development of suited RE methods and their embedding into established processes is one of XTRONIC's competences. Additionally, XTRONIC offers the establishment of complete RE-infrastructures, database design, support, training and efficient, in-house developed DOORS® extensions.
Das Expertennetzwerk
Der ASQF ist das Expertennetzwerk für Qualität. Bereits seit 20 Jahren gestalten wir maßgeblich die Entwicklung maßgeblich die Entwicklung und Sicherung von Software bzw. System-Qualität und fördern eine international einheitliche Aus- und Weiterbildung von (IT-)Fachkräften.
Als Repräsentant und Stimme in der Software-Branche engagieren wir uns für ein kompetenzstarkes, gründer- und innovationsfreundliches Umfeld. Wir stehen im Dialog mit Entscheidungsträgern und erarbeiten Vorschläge, die den neuen Anforderungen der Digitalisierung Rechnung tragen. Als Netzwerk verbinden wir leistungsstarke Start-Ups, Mittelständler, Global Player, Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen.
Zudem ist der ASQF Gesellschafter des International Software Quality Institute (iSQI), das weltweit das Know-How von (IT-)Fachkräften zertifiziert. Mit über 25.000 Zertifizierungen pro Jahr ist der iSQI der Ansprechpartner für eine erfolgreiche berufliche Entwicklung.
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.
German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI)) is a non-profit organization with about 20,000 members living across the world.
Most of them develop the discipline of informatics by teaching, researching or working in the field of informatics, while others are involved in related business and political areas. The main purposes of this network of professionals are motivate for informatics, develop the scientific discipline and promote the impact informatics has economy, business and society.And to offer career support by the means of networking.
Members of GI are either individuals, companies or non-governmental organizations. We are proud to be able to claim that our members’ knowledge covers almost everything anyone could wish to know about informatics. Our challenge is to make the best of this broad knowledge base for GI, its members and society as a whole. In times of ever-growing importance and influence of an integrated Europe, GI is increasingly involved in European projects and organizations.
Education and Training
Starting about 40 years ago – at the time when the first informatics departments were being set up in Germany – our first aim was to build up, implement, grow and strengthen the academic discipline.
Times have changed, but our portfolio is still based on this main point. For instance, GI has contributed to the curricula for new bachelor and masters degrees in Germany, as to the official recognition of new courses.
Other important GI activities include raising public awareness of informatics including its benefits and risks.
In addition, our portfolio includes programmes to create early motivation and interest for informatics. Supported by products to develop skills and aided by initiatives for training frameworks. Beside other project-related activities, we do this e.g. by supporting Germany’s informatics competition BWINF, the European Computer Driving Licence ECDL and the Advanced IT Training System AITTS.
GI supports networking between researchers in industry, research institutes and universities by providing more than 100 special interest groups and about 40 regional branches. They can all rely on the same network of knowledge, best practices, skills and experience. Scientific and technical staffs from all types of colleges and research institutions play an active role in GI. All of them are represented in the management committee and the advisory councils.
About 10 % of GI’s members are students. For them, GI offers a network of contacts, information and coaching across many universities. There is an official advisory council looking after their interests.
Our close collaboration is assisted by services. For example, members are consistently well informed by our periodical Informatik Spektrum or by other print and online publications, edited by our interest groups.
Our own publication series LNI (Lecture Notes in Informatics) and access to Digital Libraries like those of the IEEE Computer Society or the new German io-port.net are other parts of our portfolio.
The number of freelance and self-employed IT experts in Germany is growing. Within GI those run an own special interest group. They are represented in the management committee through their own advisory council.
Our cooperation with the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) industry reaches from blue chip companies developing new architectures and solutions to a broad range of small and medium-sized companies who are adding value to their products by producing or using advanced IT solutions.
Gesellschaft für Systems Engineering e.V.
Die gemeinnützige Gesellschaft für Systems Engineering e.V. (GfSE) wurde 1997 mit dem Ziel gegründet, das Systems Engineering Gedankengut im deutschsprachigen Raum zu fördern und weiterzuentwickeln. Im Rahmen von Seminaren, Tagungen und anderen Angeboten stellt sie ein Forum für den Wissens- und Erfahrungsaustausch zwischen Industrie, Forschung und Lehre dar.
The International Requirements Engineering Board (IREB) has joined forces with the vision to create an international and professional basis for RE, in order to give this discipline the importance and the orientation that corresponds to its added value for the industry.
IREB is the developer and the holder of the CPRE (Certified Professional for Requirements Engineering) certification scheme. The board was created in 2006 by leading RE representatives, from science, research, industry and consulting, and today it is a worldwide renowned body of experts for the individual certification of professionals in requirements engineering. Though the CPRE certification scheme originated in Europe, it is also supported by committed members in many countries ranging from North and South America to Europe and Asia.
In their effort to establish the CPRE certification scheme internationally, IREB is highly successful. Today, more than 29,000 professionals have obtained the CPRE Foundation Level certificate in 68 countries.
For more information about IREB, their activities and the certification model, see www.ireb.org.
Premium Exhibitors
Die agosense GmbH ist der führende Anbieter kundenspezifischer Lösungen für die Integration von Management-Werkzeugen in der Produktentwicklung. Weitere Betätigungsfelder sind die Bereiche Requirements Management, Traceability sowie automatisierter Datenaustausch.
Das Lösungsportfolio umfasst die Produkte agosense.symphony (Integration von Software- und Systementwicklungswerkzeugen zu einer durchgängigen Prozesskette / B2B Datenaustausch) und agosense.fidelia (änderungsbasiertes Anforderungsmanagement/ Darstellung von Traceability-Informationen aus verschiedensten Tools).
Die Vielzahl verfügbarer Adapter für die gängigen Tools stellt eine schnelle Implementierung sicher. Die Architektur unserer Lösungen ermöglicht eine individuelle Anpassung an die jeweiligen Kundenanforderungen.
Zahlreiche Unternehmen aus den unterschiedlichsten Branchen haben sich bereits für uns entschieden.
The success of IT projects is decisive for many firms. That’s why microTOOL develops tools and offers services. Tool for application lifecycle management, project management and requirements engineering. And services like consultation, training and support for users at their locations.
With objectiF RPM, objectiF RM and in-STEP BLUE, microTOOL develops three very current tools. objectiF RPM supports application lifecycle management including project planning with requirements and useful graphic presentation. objectiF RM helps requirements engineers and business analysts with an environment to collect and arrange requirements with modern diagrams, for example for system contexts, system architecture, stakeholders, goals, requirements and tests. And in-STEP BLUE offers organizations and projects support for processes and fulfilling compliance requirements. This solution is still unique today, with its integration of management of projects, multi-projects, requirements, changes, quality, tests, risks and documents.
Get more information at www.microtool.de/en/
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Would you like to become a sponsor or exhibitor at REConf®? Juergen Hohnhold is your contact person. He is looking forward to your enquiry!